Following great success with our first spring virtual LifeSkills Training course, Formed Families Forward is registering middle school students (rising 7th-9th graders) for a July VIRTUAL LifeSkills Training program! Youth participants will join our facilitators for real-time online sessions from 3 - 4 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays each week, July 3 - 22.
This program is offered at no cost and participating youth can earn a gift card for regularly attending sessions!
The LifeSkills Training curriculum is a proven, evidence-based program designed to promote health and personal development. Topics include:
Self-image and self-improvement
Making decisions
Myths and realities about smoking, alcohol and marijuana
Coping with anxiety
Coping with anger
Communication skills
Social skills
Resolving conflicts
Thanks to support from Fairfax County’s Partners in Prevention Program, this class is offered FREE of charge to middle school students, but is limited to 11 participants. REGISTER NOW!