Does your house of worship have a food pantry?
Please join!
Does your apartment complex have a youth program?
Come on in!
Are you in schools working closely with families in need?
We've got resources!
Does your family like to organize coat
drives when the temperatures drop?
We need you!
Are you the corporate responsibility
officer at your corporation?
Become a member today!
Have you recently moved to the area and you're looking
for a way to meet other human services professionals?
You're welcome here!
Do you work at a nonprofit or human services
agency that serves the residents of Prince William area?
We've got a seat for you at the table!
Why Join The Alliance?

Both organizations and individuals are encouraged to join The Alliance!
Membership is open to faith-based organizations, public and private agencies, private sector businesses, associations, community coalitions, families and individuals who are committed to the advocacy for services that contribute to the health and welfare of the community.
Questions can be addressed to the Executive Director, Martina Jackson Green at 703-344-4729 or executivedirector@alliancegpw.org.
What does membership offer?
Technical assistance
Networking opportunities
Continuing education and training
Discounts for select Alliance services and events
Coordinated advocacy
Exclusive member events and resource sharing
A directory of community resources
A referral network
A public calendar of community events
A platform for service providers to communicate directly with one another
Access to recordings and resources from past learning sessions
Opportunity to speak and display marketing materials at events (in-person and virtual whenever scheduling allows)
Opportunity to participate in board elections
Dues For Organizations:
Organization - $100 for one year
This membership category is for public, private, nonprofit, faith-based, corporate,
government and community-based organizations.
Dues For Individuals and Families:
Individual/Family - $50 for one year
This membership category is for private citizens and families who are not representing a faith-based,
public or private human service organization.
Membership lasts for 12 months after dues are paid.
Members are encouraged to pay dues for five years at a time to lock in current costs.