Past Events
The Alliance Annual Meeting
UVA Health Networking Event
On April 3rd, 2024 The Alliance of Greater Prince William County hosted a networking event and learned about UVA Health's 2024 community benefit implementation plan and partnership.

Grant Writing Demystified
Does your nonprofit need funding? Join the grant writing session with us to learn how to prepare for submission, how to find "winnable" grants, and what is required after the win from an experienced grant writer.
Top 5 Things Nonprofits Need to Know for Tax Season
Don't miss this opportunity to get tax insight from an experienced professional. Bring your questions and mingle with community partners. This is a free event for Alliance members.

Coffee & Connection
Organizations that serve children in foster care and those who desire to support are invited to join us to discuss the needs of our children, organizational priorities, and how our community partners can help.
Alliance Annual Meeting 2022-2023
It was great to see all the wonderful people of our community at the Annual Meeting of The Alliance 2022-2023! We started the morning hearing from Prince William County Executive Christopher Shorter, with his recap of our participation with the County activities, and sharing a piece of his vision for the County/Non-Profit collaborations in the future. Next, we recognized our ’22-’23 Board of Directors and introduced the slate of candidates for ’23-’34 to replace those dedicated members cycling off. The 2022-2023 Alliance Board of Directors: Karen Smith- The Arc of Greater Prince William/Insight, Inc. (seated) Steve Pierce- Park Valley Church Abi Forester- St. Thomas UMC, Manassas campus Carolyn Desai – Citizen Representative Jinnae Monroe- Hire Ground Works Mark Victorson- NAMI Prince William Denise Chadwick Wright- Birmingham Green Todd McCormick- The House, Inc. The Candidates for The Alliance Board 2023-2024: Laura Coates – Citizen Representative Pastor Matthew Sergent – St. Thomas Church Rabbi Shmuly Perlstein – Chabad Center for Jewish Life Serena Bermudez – Citizen Representative Joe Diaz – Didlake We celebrated Alliance highpoints of the past year: Distributing over 5.5 million dollars in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through partnerships with 32 Prince William County Non-Profits who provided vital services to PWC residents. Hosting zoom trainings and in person networking events. Being recipients of the 2023 Community Partner of the Year award from Edu-Futuro. Being finalists in the Agnes L. Colgan Community Service Award- Health & Human Services category of the 2022 Prince William Chamber Business Awards. And cheered for the accomplishments of our ARPA Partners who: Provided rent/eviction assistance to 255 households. Provided 38,480 boxes/bags of food. Served 846,211 meals Distributed 3,410,326.53 pounds of food Helped 17,967 families/households Assisted 123,311 individuals We continue to be humbled by our members and the work you do, as so aptly described by our exiting Board Chair, Jinnae Monroe: “We are people who care, serving people who matter.”
Intro to Corporate Giving
A special thanks to the MAGIC at CHIN Library to make some wonderful resources available for us; CANDID provides training of variety of topic of fundraising and non-profit management.
Is your organization ready to seek corporate support?
Corporate grant makers are different from traditional foundations in many ways. This class provides a basic overview of:
The different types of corporate giving
What motivates corporations to give
How to find potential corporate partners
Define different types of corporate philanthropy and their motivations.
Learn how to find information about different types of corporate philanthropy.
• View Slides here
• Handout here
• Worksheet here
• Double the Donation here
• Good360 here
• Board Match here
• Taproot Foundation here
Recording here

UVA/Alliance Networking Event
Here are the highlights:
We started the afternoon with gathering and networking:
The program portion of the event kicked-off with Jennifer Hanni and Jennifer Strickland by introducing Behavioral/Mental Health and Substance Use Spotlight. Behavioral health services available at UVA Health are: Emergency- BH Crisis Services, Inpatient Unit, Substance Abuse, and Outpatient Services. If you have any question Please contact Amy Emkes, Manager of Behavioral Health Operations: eua7ks@uvahealth.org.
After that informative session, we started going around the room, each person providing a brief introduction of themselves and their organization.
Rozlyn Giddens shared the results of their Community Health Needs Assessment and how its results guide decisions for how they serve the community and the opportunities that they support through their grants. She also provided the Grant Cycle Timeline. You can get more information about the grant here: Community Partnerships | UVA Health
Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Zan Zaidi offered comments on behalf of UVA Community Health’s CEO, Erik Shannon.
Attendance: Many people shared how happy they were to get together, see familiar faces, and make new friends. For those who missed it, I can’t provide in a bullet point the value of being present. We hope to see you next time!
Please see the attached slides from the presentation down below, and the attached spreadsheet to connect with those attendees who you didn’t get a chance to talk to.
View the slides and spreadsheet here.
Subvenciones de la Alianza 101
Este seminario web proporciona una descripción general de la programación de subvenciones de The Human Services Alliance of Greater Prince William y permite a los espectadores obtener más información sobre nuestro proceso de concesión de subvenciones, lo que buscamos en los socios comunitarios, lo que necesitará para completar las solicitudes de financiación y qué esperar al asociarse con The Alliance. Este seminario web está diseñado para brindar a las organizaciones interesadas todo lo que necesitarán para prepararse para solicitar cualquier oportunidad de financiamiento de la Alianza.
Este seminario web se grabó en vivo en Viernes 19 de noviembre de 2021 a partir de las 11 h a través de Zoom.
Mira la repetición AQUÍ:

Maratón de gracias
En estovirtual event, los miembros de la Alianza se reunieron para reflexionar sobre los desafíos y triunfos de los años del programa 2020 y 2021. Los miembros expresaron por qué estaban agradecidos, por qué tenían esperanzas y qué los animó en estos tiempos difíciles. Los participantes compartieron logros notables, expresaron su aprecio por los miembros de su equipo y honraron a aquellos que ya no están sirviendo en sus organizaciones.